MaSooM Studios: Las Vegas: Video Footage Confirms Multiple Shooters, Co-ordinated Attack

Las Vegas: Video Footage Confirms Multiple Shooters, Co-ordinated Attack

The mainstream media narrative about the Las Vegas shooting has been debunked by two explosive videos provided to Your News Wire that confirms there were multiple shooters involved in a co-ordinated attack.
The mainstream media narrative about the Las Vegas shooting has been debunked by two explosive videos provided to Your News Wire that confirm there were multiple shooters involved in a co-ordinated attack.
Both videos show gunfire originating from the fourth floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel, much lower than the 32nd floor, where the mainstream media is claiming Stephen Paddock, a “lone wolf”, fired on the crowd using an automatic weapon.
The mainstream media narrative regarding Paddock’s motives have also been debunked by FBI sources who reportedly claimed the shooter has links to Antifa as well as ISIS. But mainstream media is actively covering up the information, claiming Paddock had “no political or religious affiliations or interests.”
The fact is the Las Vegas shooting was clearly an co-ordinated false flag attack, orchestrated by Paddock as well as at least one other as yet unidentified gunman operating from the fourth floor of the hotel. The mass shooting and scores of dead will be used by the elite to further their nefarious agenda.
Anybody who looks into the information available to them on the internet will arrive at the same conclusion. Unfortunately anybody who relies on mainstream media for their information will be force-fed a very different conclusion.
The questions must be asked: why is the mainstream media covering for a mass murderer? Why are they attempting to rewrite his past and erase his political affiliations?
The answers are simple. The corporate media, controlled by a small, elite oligarchy, is operating on behalf of the New World Order, attempting to mislead the public into believing their enemies are their friends, and their friends are their enemies.
It doesn’t suit the mainstream media’s agenda to have an Antifa member responsible for the worst mass shooting in American history. They are actively engaged in covering up this fact up so they can continue pushing the New World Order’s sick and twisted agenda.
Stephen Paddock, the Las Vegas shooter, was an Antifa member who carried out the worst mass shooting in American history in order to create further division in American society, push the country towards civil war, and further the agenda of the elites.
Official Antifa facebook page, Antifa Melbourne, congratulated Stephen Paddock after the bloodiest mass shooting in America’s history, before deleting the post after a torrent of criticism.
There is an active campaign to sow division and create chaos in the United States. Organized groups are working on behalf of global organizations with the most nefarious of goals. We need to wake up and stop believing everything fed to us by the mainstream media. They have proven themselves completely unreliable.

We need to stop hiding from the truth.

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