Horoscope: November 10, 2017

Your Stars Today
Aries | March 20 – April 18

The rare and stunning alliance between practical Saturn and Uranus, planet of innovation, which is positioned in Aries, is bound to bring changes as thrilling as they are unexpected. This could be such a surprise, in fact, that you’re unsure how to react. In this case, say yes first, and get the details later.
Taurus | April 19 – May 19

Being organised may be a virtue and, when it comes making life plans, a relief. However, judging by the current series of aspects to the planet of the unexpected, Uranus, even the simplest of arrangements are unlikely to last as they were first organised. Fortunately, most of those changes will be breakthroughs.
Gemini | May 20 – June 20

Only recently, you felt well-equipped to tackle certain tricky issues with others. But the more you learn about the extent of the misunderstandings involved, the more aware you are these aren’t nearly as straightforward as you thought. Fortunately, there’s no rush. Begin gathering facts now and within weeks you’ll be prepared.
Cancer | June 21 – July 21

In late October the forthright Mars moved to accent domestic and family matters. This lit a fire under you, in the sense you finally raised and discussed certain worrying issues. Now, however, the focus shifts to confronting those who’re consistently selfish demanding they give you, and your needs, priority.
Leo | July 22 – August 21

You’re concerned about certain increasingly tense issues with somebody who you see often but aren’t that close to. While you’re aware there’s a problem, you don’t fully understand what’s behind it. Stop trying to figure this out and ask them. Initially they might be shy but soon they’ll be speaking openly.
Virgo | August 22 – September 21

Being super-responsible yourself, you get annoyed when others ignore their end of arrangements. Yet you’re reluctant about confronting them, knowing how you’d feel in the same position. Don’t worry. The individual in question forgets all sorts of obligations, and will be delighted that you’ve taken the time to remind them.
Libra | September 22 – October 22

As much as you enjoy, and often learn from, the process of talking over ideas and exploring potential plans with others, at the moment it could lead to confusion. The problem is their views differ so much from yours you’d be debating that, not discussing the actual plans you have in mind.
Scorpio | October 23 – November 21

Now that the planet of growth and good fortune, Jupiter, is in Scorpio, your life’s about to become bigger, broader and more exciting. It’s worth remembering, however, that often what arises will involve changes that help you break away from the past, while paving the way for thrilling, if entirely unexpected, developments.
Sagittarius | November 22 – December 20

If you’ve strong instincts about a certain plan or person, then of course you’ll want to learn more. But not everybody will understand this and, in fact, certain individuals will want to invest serious time in gathering facts and reviewing what they’ve learnt. Busy yourself elsewhere and leave them to it.
Capricorn | December 21 – January 18

The time has come to think through certain longstanding but increasingly difficult arrangements. When these were first organised, they made sense and things went smoothly. But over the past few months, the actual foundation on which these were based has shifted, enough that a top to bottom rethink is essential.
Aquarius | January 19 – February 17

This is one of those strange times when you find yourself having to explain, if not justify, the decisions you’re making and changes you’re undertaking to others. The real problem is that certain individuals seem determined to turn what should be a straightforward explanation into a debate. The solution? Simply change the subject.
Pisces | February 18 – March 19

For ages you’ve meant to reorganise certain arrangements that, from time to time, turn into a seriously distracting drama. But once things are settled, you tend to forget at least until the issue surfaces again, as it just has. There’s no better time than the present to tackle this, once and for all.
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