MaSooM Studios: Horoscope: November 3, 2017

Horoscope: November 3, 2017

Your stars
Your stars
Your Stars Today
Aries | March 20 – April 18
While it’s understandable you ignored certain rather tricky business or financial issues in the hope they’d work themselves out, things are moving so swiftly this is likely to backfire. With the current unsettled mood influencing everybody, but especially certain already anxious individuals, the more involved you are with their decisions, the better.
Taurus | April 19 – May 19
If you’re feeling a combination of enthusiasm and uncertainty, it’s no surprise. The current Taurus Full Moon brings the emotional side of life to a head and, equally, triggers potential changes in existing arrangements and future plans. Don’t just explore what arises, but get involved. It’s unlikely you’ll regret it.
Gemini | May 20 – June 20
The key to dealing with issues as tricky as they are persistent is to take it slowly and, for now, discuss them as little as possible. Strange as that seems, this gives you time to gather information and then do some brainstorming with those who’ll help you come up with a solution.
Cancer | June 21 – July 21
Understandably, dealing with certain unimaginative individuals who insist matters be dealt with the way they think best isn’t easy. While their intentions are good, their ideas could actually make things worse, especially recently. Since a reasoned discussion is out of the question, for the moment, you’re better off avoiding contentious issues altogether.
Leo | July 22 – August 21
Although every sign is influenced by the heighted mood triggered by the Full Moon, because this one promises some form of shift in matters on the domestic front, you could be feeling anxious. While that’s understandable, discuss these issues. Once you’re talking them over, you’ll realise they’re timely, if not long overdue.
Virgo | August 22 – September 21
For weeks you’ve intended to raise certain unsettling issues involving family or domestic matters, but somehow never found the time. This may be because you had no idea what to say. Now, suddenly, you’ll realise what needs to be discussed and, better yet, their solutions. Raise these now, while those thoughts are clear.
Libra | September 22 – October 22
Only days ago, you sensed that the less you said about certain tricky matters, the better it would be for everybody concerned. While that was probably true then, things have changed, swiftly and dramatically. So much so that you now need to discuss events and your feelings, and as frankly as possible.
Scorpio | October 23 – November 21
Because the coming Full Moon accents close alliances, personal and those out in the world, issues of every form are likely to surface. Worrying as this sounds, these have been on your mind for ages, and now that everybody’s feelings are heightened, there’s no better time to have certain long overdue discussions.
Sagittarius | November 22 – December 20
Being a fire sign, your feelings are intense and swift. Yet at the moment, everything from joy to love or doubts go deeper, and last longer. This is no surprise. It’s part of a cycle that’s not only turning your attention inward, it’s teaching you to embrace your feelings in a new way.
Capricorn | December 21 – January 18
Sidestepping dramas involving tough times or hurt feelings is a skill most Capricorns possess and are proud of. Still, judging by the influence of the coming Full Moon, certain matters won’t just need to be talked over, you’ll recognise that in one discussion you can resolve several issues, and all at once.
Aquarius | January 19 – February 17
It’s easy to suggest somebody heed their intuition. But actually doing it is another matter, especially when there’s so much in transition, and the disarray that accompanies it. Keeping track of your routine activities is challenging enough. Yet, bizarrely, those intuitive feelings will help with everything from changes to your daily routine
Pisces | February 18 – March 19
By no means are you rigid in your thinking or your attitude. Yet a while ago, you decided that certain activities, ventures or even individuals were of little interest to you. This was based on several unrewarding situations then. However, times have changed, enough a rethink would be wise.

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