MaSooM Studios: Horoscope: November 13, 2017 Engilsh And Urdu

Horoscope: November 13, 2017 Engilsh And Urdu

Your stars
Your stars
Your Stars Today
Aries | March 20 – April 18
Ordinarily you’d respond instantly, and positively, to recent exciting ideas or offers. However, because these involved the planet of focus, order and discipline, Saturn, you were facing unappealing rules or regulations or, alternatively, tedious details. While that’s possible, the flexibility required will be justified by the results, now and in the future.
Taurus | April 19 – May 19
Planning ahead may be wise but judging by the powerful and positive encounter between your ruler Venus and the fabulous Jupiter, the more open you are to unexpected ideas or offers, the better. Some may make sense, others seem strange or even pointless, but they’re all likely to turn out brilliantly.
Gemini | May 20 – June 20
Your impatient streak is rarely mentioned, mostly because you move so quickly from one topic, plan or project to another that the pace of change is never discussed. But now it’s important you be aware that while certain plans won’t work out as swiftly as you’d like, they’ll be worth waiting for.
Cancer | June 21 – July 21
Unsettling as recent discussions were, the ideas that have emerged from them are as thrilling as they are unexpected. While, obviously, you’d like time to both learn more and think about whether these are wise, things are moving too swiftly for any but the briefest of reflection. Respond immediately or not at all.
Leo | July 22 – August 21
While you’re an expert at appearing to be easygoing and, often, unconcerned about decisions, there are certain issues that matter a lot. And several of those will be discussed, if not dealt with, over the coming week. Ensure others know how important these are, or they won’t even ask for your views.
Virgo | August 22 – September 21
In early November your ruler Mercury moved into the part of your chart that accents the structure of your life, joining the practical Saturn there. Not only that, with these two planets meeting twice before the end of the year, discussions won’t just be informative, they could lead to timely, and far-reaching, changes.
Libra | September 22 – October 22
Few planetary encounters are more positive than the link between your own ruler, Venus, and the bountiful Jupiter. And with them positioned in the portion of your chart that accents your assets in every way, from what you own to what you earn, if things aren’t already looking good, they soon will be.
Scorpio | October 23 – November 21
Every New Moon is about editing out elements of the past and a fresh start. Although the coming one isn’t until the Saturday, the fact it’s in Scorpio suggests you’ll already be reflecting on what and, possibly, who you’ll want less of in your life and, perhaps, what it’s time to say farewell to.
Sagittarius | November 22 – December 20
What began as minor misunderstandings only days ago have blown up into far-reaching and, to be honest, pointless battles. That being the case, diplomatically sidestep these issues, at least for the time being. When then mood’s calmer and you’ve gathered the facts and thought things through, you can discuss a potential solution.
Capricorn | December 21 – January 18
Although every sign has benefited from the recent link between your ruler Saturn and Uranus, in your case, events could have both surprised and delighted you. That’s because you’ve been working on some since these planets first linked, last May. Thus both your persistence and your patience are paying pay off bigtime.
Aquarius | January 19 – February 17
Planning ahead may be a virtue most of the time. But judging by the New Moon on the 18th, and the accompanying changes, if not surprising developments, you’re urged to organise even the simplest of arrangements so they’re flexible. Enough that as those changes arise, you can easily take advantage of them.
Pisces | February 18 – March 19
Sometimes disagreements are no more than that. However, the clash between Mercury and your ruler Neptune could lead to informative, if not constructive, discussions about several already worrying matters. That being the case, tackle them in a forthright manner, seeking and considering what you learn and the advice of others.

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