MaSooM Studios: Your Stars Today in English and urdu 20/10/2k17

Your Stars Today in English and urdu 20/10/2k17

Your stars today
Your stars today
Your Stars Today
Aries | March 20 – April 18
Your dream of having somebody by your side who isn’t just an ally, but understands the way your mind works and your need for emotional support. Now, however, it’s you who needs to learn something, which is to be flexible and share the responsibility for certain joint ventures.
Taurus | April 19 – May 19
As appealing as the idea of making a single, lasting, plan is to you, it’s unrealistic. In fact, with several of the planetary heavyweights moving into new positions during October’s last half, the actual circumstances you’re dealing with will shift, and beyond anything you’d previously have conceived possible. The more you explore, the better.
Gemini | May 20 – June 20
The New Moon was a few days ago, but you’re only now benefitting from its fallout, in the form of the changes to existing plans and new ventures you’re discussing. The sooner you get involved, the better. While not everything will work out, what does will more than justify the effort required.
Cancer | June 21 – July 21
After weeks of unexpected twists and turns, you’re ready for a break. While you won’t get it, the next cycle of change will be as thrilling as it is, on occasion, perplexing. It’s all about breakthroughs, some the last step necessary to achieve objectives you’ve been working on for ages.
Leo | July 22 – August 21
As a fire sign, you sometimes enjoy life’s dramas. But those that threaten to take pivotal decisions out of your hands are quite another matter. Annoying, if not upsetting, as these are, they’re forcing you to consider changes that, previously, you’ve refused even to discuss. The time has come to say yes.
Virgo | August 22 – September 21
Ordinarily, when others come to you with ideas that are intriguing but are based on little but promises, you send then off to get solid facts. Yet now it’s you who’s basing plans on little but exciting ideas. Still, your instincts that these are worth pursuing are right, as events will soon confirm.
Libra | September 22 – October 22
Despite the upbeat mood you’ve been experiencing this week, you’re still hesitant about making certain changes. For now, you needn’t do more than discuss them. Once the planet of courage and action, Mars, moves into Libra on Sunday, you’ll feel better prepared to say what needs saying and, if necessary, take a stand.
Scorpio | October 23 – November 21
The ideas planet Mercury is now in Scorpio. This focuses your thinking on personal matters. What’s more, it’s good timing, since it offers an opportunity to both explore and discuss the exciting, if occasionally puzzling, events triggered by the recent move by Jupiter, the planet of growth and development, into your sign.
Sagittarius | November 22 – December 20
It’s a fine line between talking your plans over with others and a request for advice. While, at the moment, you’re doing no more than chatting about your ideas, certain individuals could mistakenly assume you’re seeking their guidance. Their intentions are good, so simply thank them, then change the subject.
Capricorn | December 21 – January 18
Usually, sudden changes would constitute reason for concern. However, those you’re currently facing are more of an invitation to explore various ideas or options. Some have been on your mind but others are as sudden as they are intriguing. Even more exciting, if you move fast enough, these could soon become reality.
Aquarius | January 19 – February 17
On Sunday the courageous Mars moves into one of the most inquisitive parts of your chart, triggering a cycle of questioning and exploration. This is timely, as you’ve meant to learn more about a number of matters, but were always distracted. Now you’ll have both time and good reason to delve into these.
Pisces | February 18 – March 19
When you sidestepped certain facts recently, it was partly because they seemed unimportant, at least at the time. However, even then you were aware that sooner or later they would need serious attention. That time has come. Focus on them, and them alone, and you’ll put them to rest with surprising ease.

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