MaSooM Studios: Your Stars Today Horoscope October 22, 2017 english

Your Stars Today Horoscope October 22, 2017 english

Your stars today
Your stars today
Your Stars Today
Aries | March 20 – April 18
There are few greater pleasures for you than dealing with every detail of certain arrangements, plans or challenges, then having the satisfaction of putting them aside and moving on to what’s next. Yet judging by changes in circumstances, you’ll need to revisit those plans, and possibly more than once.
Taurus | April 19 – May 19
One kind of happiness comes at the end of a challenging day, when you look back on what you’ve accomplished. You’ve had many of those lately. But the variety of happiness you’ll soon be experiencing is about having understood, dealt with and conquered certain issues that once seemed unsurmountable.
Gemini | May 20 – June 20
Being told you’re about to be disillusioned may sound worrying. However, this will clarify your perspective on certain once-inspiring situations or, perhaps, individuals. The fact is, these aren’t as good as you thought. You need do no more than lower your expectations. Do that, and everything else will make sense.
Cancer | June 21 – July 21
The forthright Mars is moving, for a stay of a little over a month, to accent the structure of your life, at home and out in the world. While, on one hand, this is about frank discussions, don’t be surprised if what you talk over turns into decisions that are put into action, and within days.
Leo | July 22 – August 21
In moving ahead so rapidly, as events are, and you are with them, you’ve had little time for thought or reflection. That’s probably for the best, because otherwise, you’d have tried to take over. This is about doing things differently, in fact, in a manner that never would have occurred to you.
Virgo | August 22 – September 21
Few things are more worrying than getting deeply involved with plans that, while hopeful, seem to be coming undone again and again. That’s as it should be, because with the actual circumstances shifting, and often, a rethink isn’t just likely, it’s natural. Instead of worrying, regard this as progress.
Libra | September 22 – October 22
Now that both Jupiter and the Sun are in the part of your chart that has to do with financial matters, it’s time to do your sums. Even more than that, it’s time to talk things over frankly with certain individuals who’re expert at avoiding taking responsibility for their end of things.
Scorpio | October 23 – November 21
Obviously, you’d rather make a single plan and stick with it. However, judging by the powerful planetary activity at the moment, and especially with Jupiter, Mercury and, as of the 23rd, the Sun moving into your sign, there’ll be plenty of activity in your life, and plenty to think about.
Sagittarius | November 22 – December 20
The Sun’s encounter with your ruler Jupiter, which this year takes place on the 26th, marks an annual turning point. This one’s of particular significance, mostly because Jupiter has just moved into the most intuitive portion of your chart. This indicates you’ll learn as much from reflection as from discussions with others.
Capricorn | December 21 – January 18
Every once in a while, a cycle of change begins that is so extensive that even arrangements you regard as a stable part of life need to be reviewed. Unsettling as this is, it’s raising vital questions about your plans and priorities, ones that will lead to a lengthy process of reflection.
Aquarius | January 19 – February 17
There’s a fine line between making decisions, which it seems you’re doing on an almost hourly basis, and making final decisions. With so much in transition, the trick is to ensure whatever you set up or commit to is flexible enough that, as circumstances shift, you can reorganise your plans.
Pisces | February 18 – March 19
Usually the word ‘progress’ is associated with making plans for the future. For you, however, it’s about decluttering your life, and especially noting arrangements or alliances that don’t work. What you learn in the process will prove helpful when you’re making those future plans, over the coming days and weeks.

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