MaSooM Studios: Your Star Today | Horoscope 19:10:2k17

Your Star Today | Horoscope 19:10:2k17

Your Stars Today
Aries | March 20 – April 18
During a week of change, often as the result of exciting developments, you’ll find yourself making, and remaking, plans frequently. Exhausting and annoying as this can be, in the process of rethinking things, you’ll learn a lot and, better yet, will be able to include those insights in your plans. DR plans/think/rethink
Taurus | April 19 – May 19
Even the idea of taking plans you laboured to organise back to the drawing board is horrifying. Try to keep things as they are, however, and you’ll soon discover just how swiftly things are changing. Recognise that, and instead of battling minor changes, you’ll begin realise it’s time to think big.
Gemini | May 20 – June 20
While you have no problem with last minute changes, as you’re well aware, certain individuals seem to think they’re an indication of bad planning. Waste no time debating whether or not this is true. Instead, focus on ideas or offers as thrilling as they are unexpected. At minimum, they’ll be informative.
Cancer | June 21 – July 21
Little is more exciting than a promising idea or an unexpected opportunity, which is exactly what the link between Mercury and the expansive Jupiter is bringing your way. However, making the best of these means moving swiftly, even if you’re short of facts. Risky as it seems, it will be worth it.
Leo | July 22 – August 21
As a fire sign, and somebody ruled by the Sun, you don’t need anybody’s agreement or approval to do or pursue what you want to. Yet, recently, you’ve allowed the doubts of one particular individual to undermine your confidence. Give serious thought to whether their concerns are worth taking so seriously.
Virgo | August 22 – September 21
Long ago you learnt that, often, sudden changes are a warning to be cautious, if not wary. While ordinarily, that would be wise, during this week of powerful planetary activity involving both fortunate Jupiter and the unpredictable Uranus, what’s least expected could also turn out to be best in the long run.
Libra | September 22 – October 22
Few things are more irritating than those who make a plan, demand you commit, then rethink arrangements within only days. But now it’s you who’ll be doing that, and as is the case with others, you’ll have no choice. While, obviously, you’ll apologise, you’ll also become more forgiving of the changes others make.
Scorpio | October 23 – November 21
You take great satisfaction in reducing complex situations down to a single issue. Still, you’re now facing the challenge of turning what you’ve learnt into a decision. Final as that seems, keep in mind that with so much in transition, even straightforward arrangements are bound to change, probably more than once.
Sagittarius | November 22 – December 20
This is one of those tricky periods during which timing is as important as what you’re planning. With so many of the planets moving into new positions within such a short period of time, things are bound to be changeable, if not confusing. Knowing this, decisions will require an unaccustomed patience.
Capricorn | December 21 – January 18
The bountiful Jupiter has just shifted into the part of your chart that has to do with certain joint arrangements. This indicates that, at long last, you will find you’re able to share the responsibility for certain crucial but tedious arrangements. Better yet, others are more than equal to the task.
Aquarius | January 19 – February 17
Once a year the Sun confronts your ruling planet, Uranus. This may sound worrying but, actually, it accents any situations involving others that need attention. You may already have noticed these and done something about them. If not, give serious thought to important alliances, especially those that are under pressure.
Pisces | February 18 – March 19
At times, certain well-meaning but overly practical friends drive you crazy with their unsolicited and unimaginative advice. At the moment, however, their concerns are worth considering. With things moving so swiftly, you could easily have ignored issues that, if dealt with right away and in depth, will be absolutely no problem.

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