MaSooM Studios: Horoscope : October 31, 2017

Horoscope : October 31, 2017

Your stars today

Aries | March 20 – April 18

Although you’ve no desire to know absolutely everything those around you are doing, some have kept facts to themselves that aren’t just important, they’re of significance to you. Bear in mind, however, that only recently you brushed off discussions about similar matters, stating clearly you’d no interest. Others’ confusion is no surprise.

Taurus | April 19 – May 19

Annoying as last minute changes in plans would be, not only are they unavoidable, they’ll allow you to reorganise certain increasingly worrying arrangements. The trick is to undertake these changes slowly. That gives you an opportunity to rethink what you’re organising, as you learn more about the people and circumstances involved.

Gemini | May 20 – June 20

When it comes to discussions about partnership matters, personal or otherwise, you’re urged to take your time. Ideally, in fact, this week’s about expanding your knowledge of the options currently available to you. There are far more than you’re aware of. What you learn will be as reassuring as it is delightful.

Cancer | June 21 – July 21

Sometimes minor errors are no more than that. However, once you begin discussing these matters, you’ll realise the real problem is a single, rather serious, misunderstanding. First, gather the relevant facts, point by point. Then set aside a time to discuss this, one when you’re sure everybody involved will be available.

Leo | July 22 – August 21

Understandably, you’re in no mood to take anybody’s advice. This is mostly because of recent tensions with certain individuals but, as much, because you’re not sure how well informed they are. While their knowledge may be limited, they’re worth listening to. What they say could provide vital, and timely, insights.

Virgo | August 22 – September 21

Unsettling as recent situations seemed at the time, since then you’ve realised how unfair the suggestions being made by others were. This isn’t worth debating. Just say a simple ‘no’ and nothing more. Within a few days they’ll be back, and with a proposal that comes much closer to being realistic.

Libra | September 22 – October 22

Ordinarily, you’d discuss changes that will have some impact on the life of others before taking action. However the swift pace leaves you no choice but to make decisions first and discuss the matters in question later. While, ordinarily, this wouldn’t be your style, simply explain to those concerned. They’ll understand.

Scorpio | October 23 – November 21

As a Scorpio, you’ll do a lot to avoid altering anything from where or how you live or work to elements of your day to day life. Yet at the moment, it seems you’re investing huge effort in steering clear of one particular change. Bizarrely, it’s just as necessary as it would be beneficial.

Sagittarius | November 22 – December 20

On the 10th, your ruler Jupiter moved into a new sign and into the most reflective portion of your chart. This is triggering a cycle of focusing on, and deeply questioning elements of your life you’ve accepted as being unchanging. Once, perhaps, they were. Soon you’ll be rethinking, if not transforming, them.

Capricorn | December 21 – January 18

Unlike the restless fire signs, especially your neighbouring sign, Sagittarius, who enjoy a shakeup just for the sake of it, you value stability in life and in alliances. Yet judging by the current planetary setup, you’ll not only need to reorganise certain arrangements, doing so will be quite a relief.

Aquarius | January 19 – February 17

Few things are more annoying to you, as an inquisitive Aquarius, than dealing with somebody who’s so narrow-minded that, whatever you say, they simply won’t discuss certain new ideas. Yet you’re being just as unreasonable about one particular plan or arrangement. At least explore it. You’ll be amazed what you discover.

Pisces | February 18 – March 19

The capacity to believe in yourself, and in your dreams, is one of your greatest gifts, as a Piscean. However, that doesn’t mean you should ignore warning signals, from others or even as a result of your own intuition. This issue in question may be minor but it will definitely require your attention.

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