MaSooM Studios: Horoscope: October 21, 2017 in urdu hindi english

Horoscope: October 21, 2017 in urdu hindi english

Your stars today
Your stars today
Your Stars Today
Aries | March 20 – April 18
The recent New Moon accented both your own arrangements and plans that involve others, and is about making necessary changes. While, initially, you may have regarded these as a nuisance, the more you learn, the more convinced you’ll be that they’re timely, if not urgent. The sooner you begin, the better.
Taurus | April 19 – May 19
Being told you’re about to be disillusioned may not sound like welcome news. But the fact is, you’ve been concerned about one particular individual or arrangement for ages. Consequently, what you learn or the facts that surface will be no more than a confirmation of the suspicions you’ve already been experiencing.
Gemini | May 20 – June 20
Dull as the details you’re facing may be, ignore them and they’ll only become more complicated and more time consuming. What’s more, once you actually begin to explore the facts involved, you’ll realise that, despite your misgivings, the circumstances and people involved are fascinating, enough to keep you interested.
Cancer | June 21 – July 21
The events of the past two weeks have been unsettling and, at times, somewhat worrying. Yet your instincts have correctly said these were about breaking up old patterns, not reason for concern about the future. What takes place over the next few days will reveal just how right those feelings were.
Leo | July 22 – August 21
Every once in a while, events arise that are so sudden, and are moving at such a pace, that you’ve no choice but to go along with them. That’s the case now. While others may suggest you should take the reins, surrendering to these is vital. Strange as this seems, you’ll soon learn why.
Virgo | August 22 – September 21
Don’t be surprised if you’re on the second or even third version of what, only recently, seemed simple arrangements. They were. But with several of the planetary heavyweights shifting into new positions this week, the actual circumstance are bound to change, possibly often, but to your relief, for the better.
Libra | September 22 – October 22
As a Libra, you long ago learnt that even seemingly urgent issues don’t actually need to be discussed the moment they arise. At the moment, in fact, what you learn about the situations in question and, equally, about your own feelings could prove helpful in coming up with decisions everybody can live with.
Scorpio | October 23 – November 21
Judging by the recent series of planetary aspects to Uranus, planet of the unexpected, even the simplest of arrangements are likely to have changed and, often, changed again. Disruptive as this seems, at least now, these events are forcing you to conduct an extensive, and timely, review of even longstanding plans.
Sagittarius | November 22 – December 20
With so much going on in the heavens at the moment, there really is no such thing as a final decision. Rather, you and the rest of the world will be juggling appealing ideas and ongoing changes in circumstances. Knowing that, regard whatever you organise as a bit of an experiment.
Capricorn | December 21 – January 18
Once you make a decision, usually it lasts. This is mostly because you gather all the necessary facts beforehand, so there’s little need to rethink things. But with changes in circumstances being triggered by the current powerful planetary activity, the odds are slim things will remain as they were first conceived.
Aquarius | January 19 – February 17
While you were born under one of the most inquisitive signs of the zodiac, recently you’ve had little time to explore much of anything. However, now that certain situations are moving swiftly, you’ll find you must both familiarise yourself with what’s happening and make decisions about the future, often within hours.
Pisces | February 18 – March 19
Being told you’re about to be disillusioned may not sound like good news. But there are a number of situations, some minor and others of more major proportions, where you’re refusing to acknowledge certain facts you wish weren’t true. But they are, as events are about to make abundantly clear.

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