Social Media Keys to Success

Today’s businesses run on more than just annual marketing events and a few radio advertisements. Modern consumers require constant attention and instant responses that only social media can provide. Used correctly, social media can create a worldwide presence for a brand overnight, but in the wrong hands social media can destroy a brand in seconds.
Utilizing social media correctly is the key to success. The first requirement is being successful in social media is to know your demographics. You wouldn’t advertise the new Ford f-150 pickup truck to people that live in New York City apartments, would you? Well that’s why demographics are a key component to social media and understanding your brand. Once you establish your brand and the products you sell, you will need to decide on who your target consumer is. This should be specific down to gender, age, and geographical location. Using these metrics will help you speed up the growth of your business along with saving money.
The second requirement in utilizing social media successfully is to be responsive. Once your company starts gaining traction, your consumers will take to social media to discuss what they like and dislike about your company/products. It is imperative to follow up promptly with a response to these comments. If it is something negative, a company needs to follow up to do whatever they can to make the consumer happy. What is important here is not the singular consumer that you may or may not win back, but the hundreds of people that will see your follow-up post and take note that you are a company that is focused on making your consumer happy, and that is who people want to do business with. If the response is positive then you should thank the consumer for their business and maybe even offer than a discount on future purchases with your company. Being responsive is two-fold, not only do you make that consumer happy, but you get free advertising to all of their friends and family.
The advent of social media has changed the way businesses reach their consumers. Social media is a constantly growing market that gains more users every day. Knowledge of how to use it correctly is invaluable to future marketers.
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