MaSooM Studios: The Future of Work: Circa 2025

The Future of Work: Circa 2025

There is no doubt that the nature of work is changing. We see it play out in politics (Make America Great Again = bring back the jobs of yesteryear). We see it playing out in the rapid adoption of the "sharing economy". AI and robotics are making rapid advancements and have already replaced thousands of jobs. So what does all this mean for people's work in the near future?

The Three Cs: Care, Computing and Clean Energy

A recent article in the Atlantic talked about where people will work in the future: managing an aging population, creating new technologies through computing, and fulfililng the inevitable need for energy that doesn't create carbon output (yes, everyone will eventually realize global warming is a thing). They make a solid case, even if it is a bit of a liberal utopian ideal, but I can't help but think - what is everyone else going to do?

More Peer-to-Peer, Enhanced Sharing Economy ++

The sharing economy is here to stay. In addition, blockchain/cryptocurrency technology brings a new wrinkle: the removal of the middle man by the necessity of a trusted intermediary. The shenanigans of Uber illustrate this point finely: sometimes the intermediary is the problem. What if users could make transactions securely, verify identity and personal security while at the same time allowing the drivers to get ALL (or most) of the proceeds, or even self organize into collaborative communities. This can happen with intelligent blockchain (and this type of thing is in the works already). A true peer-to-peer network of drivers - and whatever other sharing economy models fit - where transactions are done intelligently and securely using the blockchain.

New Revenue Streams

Advertising, subscription and donation models are opening up for content, providing income (and in some cases fortunes) for influencers on social media, from Instagram to Youtube to Twitch and Medium. Podcasts are bigger than ever and I predict more content generation centers that enable creators to monetize their content for real. I foresee more of these models opening up revenue, allowing for more people to have a steady income, be that a primary or secondary one.
Even outside of content, the old work model of having a single employer and single income source will dissipate as people will diversify and have multiple income streams from remote or on-site part-time work, online exchanges, and sharing economy sources like Airbnb, Lyft, and so on.

Urbanization, Suburbanization

As opportunities dwindle in rural areas, the urbanization trend will likely continue. However, cities will become increasingly expensive. Traffic and tolerance for long commutes will dwindle. The ongoing trend of creating opportunistic centers in suburban areas will make suburban areas more livable and walkable, and make living in suburban areas more desirable.

Applied Technology

Technologies blooming today aim to replace humans in one way or another: robotics, drones, self-driving cars, and AI all have the potential to eliminate jobs. That said, all of these technologies will require a new set of skills and roles. If you look at the most recent advances in big data, mobility and cloud service, you can clearly see that there are new skillsets and new fields opening up - and most companies are not even beginning to scratch the surface of what is possible with these - it will require new consultants, educators, evangelists, developers and others who will need to maintain these technologies and interpret them because ultimately people move more slowly than ideas.

How To Prepare?

I think the main thing to note is that this is a world that will require new skills. Prepare for fields that will be around for all times: health care (doctors, nurses, techs), food service, and computing. Be agile: recognize that you will not survive in the new world without being flexible and adaptable. Look for ways to generate income that don't require an employer. Ultimately, the future looks to be a more individual world, not one dominated by a set of predetermined career paths, but a unique path made up of individuals who will carve their own way and earn their living from multiple sources.

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