MaSooM Studios: HoroScope. Your Star To Day 28/10/2017

HoroScope. Your Star To Day 28/10/2017

Your stars today
Your stars today
Your Stars Today
Aries | March 20 – April 18
You’ve reached that awkward point in discussions where, if you tell others what you’re really worried about, they’re likely to be upset. Or so you think. But actually, it’s the reverse. They’re eager to review both their concerns and ideas, but are waiting for an indication you’re interested.
Taurus | April 19 – May 19
Last minute changes in plan annoy you but those now being discussed would cause others problems too. Yet with every passing day you’re increasingly aware that these are unavoidable. Ironically, you’ll soon realise they’re giving you a welcome opportunity to rethink existing arrangements as well as reorganising future plans.
Gemini | May 20 – June 20
Initially, watching certain plans or even existing arrangements you’ve worked hard to organise come undone won’t be easy. Yet within a very short period, you’ll realise how much time, effort and, in some cases, heart you’ve invested in these, and how little you’re getting in return. After that, saying farewell will be easy.
Cancer | June 21 – July 21
Just days ago, the Sun joined Mercury and the fortunate Jupiter in the part of your chart that accents who and what you most enjoy in life. While certain offers have already come your way and there are yet more to appear, you’re wary. Don’t be. Say yes first and investigate later.
Leo | July 22 – August 21
As a fire sign, you don’t mind a healthy clash. In fact, you tend to feel that a good argument can do wonders to clear the air.  While that’s true, with so much in transition, everybody’s priorities and the actual situations in question are so unclear that even the simplest of facts won’t necessarily be reliable.
Virgo | August 22 – September 21
Disruptive as the changes triggered by the recent eclipses and the current planetary setup may be, even unsettling developments are opening the door to progress. While you may already have spotted the potential in some of what’s going on, those you have yet to investigate could prove to be even more worthwhile.
Libra | September 22 – October 22
Sometimes obstacles are no more than practical issues to be analysed and dealt with. However, the more you delve into those you’re currently facing, the clearer it will become that these are only part of a more complex, if not serious, problem. Knowing that, the sooner you tackle it, the better.
Scorpio | October 23 – November 21
There are many ways to say the single word ‘no’, and while you’d usually prefer to be direct, you’re worried about upsetting an especially sensitive individual. Actually, they cultivate that image. Not only are they well able to deal with the matter in question, ask for their assistance and they’ll prove unexpectedly helpful.
Sagittarius | November 22 – December 20
Judging by the past several days’ planetary activity, your mind is swirling, both with thoughts of changes that need to be made but, as much, with ideas about the future. While, ordinarily, you’d turn those ideas into action right away, you’re urged both to review your priorities and examine recent changes in circumstance.
Capricorn | December 21 – January 18
This is an exciting yet unsettling period, one during which changes are as sudden as they are promising. Obviously, as a cautious and thorough Capricorn, both the pace of events and the lack of information about what’s happening rouses anxious feelings. The solution? Explore. The more you learn, the less concerned you’ll be.
Aquarius | January 19 – February 17
Periods of change and growth, such as this is, may be exciting and upbeat. But they’re also about acknowledging what no longer works and, possibly, even relationships that simply can’t be as significant as they once were. Acknowledging this won’t be easy but will explain the feelings of guilt or sorrow you’re facing.
Pisces | February 18 – March 19 
One of the most challenging things for most Pisceans to do is to say a flat, and firm, ‘no’ to the requests or even demands of others. You may explain why doing as they want would inconvenience you, but that’s by no means enough. Speak frankly, and soon. You’ll be glad you did.

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